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If you wish to report a possible case of bullying, Headteacher, Mrs Benarous, is the designated lead for bullying and also the Desingated Safeguarding Lead. Please contact her via the school office or admin email. 

(Please also see the AB page in Pupils tab or click here for lots of activity)

Templars’ Anti-Bullying Approach  

All complaints and reports of bullying will always be investigated.

All pupils are expected and encouraged to report instances of any behaviour which contravenes the Templars’ No-Outsiders Statement.

We take a no blame approach.

The aim of our approach is to bring about a lasting solution to a social problem, not to punish bad behaviour. Any solution or agreement between parties must comply with our No-Outsiders Statement. Admissions of wrong actions and mistakes, together with apologies and firm assurances about future conduct and appropriate ‘restitution’ measures (if appropriate) are required. Any such assurances apply anywhere and everywhere, in and out of school. Any breach of an assurance is serious and may result in a formal discussion about whether Templars is the school for you.

Senior Leadership Team 

Please see our related Behaviour policy, Anti-Bullying policy, No-Outsiders statement, and related documents.