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Starting School at Templars

At Templars we understand what a big deal it is that your child is starting school for the first time. We have this handy document of how to thoroughly support getting your child ready to learn in their new environment.

We would encourage you to Promote Independence by asking your child to practice getting themselves dressed and un-dressed (to get them ready for PE lessons), taking their coats on and off, using the toilet independently, practicing using a knife and fork etc. There will always be a teacher or teaching assistant on hand to support your child but its never too early to be independent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my child need a bag?

Your child will only need a book bag. And a lunch box if not having free school meals. Your child will only need this small bag for a reading book and diary and to send letters home. These are currently unavailable via Brigade however the school have a lot in stock. Please contact school to reserve a book bag. 

Do I need to apply for Free School Meal?

No. At the moment every child under 7 Years old receives a free school meal, however we do ask that you complete the free school meal application as the school receives money if you are successful. This money is used to support you throughout the year by paying some towards a school trip, extra resources to support your child's learning. 

Does my child need a PE kit?

Not to begin with. Getting changed for PE is a skill that takes time to learn. We teach Physical Development throughout the day through lots of different activities. As the year goes on we may ask you to send in shorts trainers and t-shirt so we can begin to change for PE but this is to support transition to Year 1 and does not need to follow school policy unless that it is easier. We will give you ample time to make these arrangements. All children will require a PE kit, following uniform guidelines when they move to Year 1. 

Do I need to send in a snack? 

No. In Reception the children are provided a piece of fruit and milk each day. If your child has any allergies please let your child's teacher know when we gather the information.