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Teaching Physical Education at Templars Primary School

At Templars Primary School, our tailor-made Physical Education curriculum has been written with belonging at its very core. Our aim is to inspire all pupils to become physically confident, succeed and excel in competitive sport, build character and embed values such as fairness and respect. Through our detailed intent document, we are introducing a knowledge-rich curriculum which breaks down the skills needed not only for PE but one that can be transferred across a number of subject areas and general daily life – ensuring our pupils become the best they can be.

The National Curriculum for Physical Education aims to ensure all pupils: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities; are physically active for sustained periods of time; engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives. Our British Values of democracy, rule of law, tolerance of faith and individual liberty are used in all aspects of teaching and children respect their peers as well as those around them, helping those who require it.

Beginning in the Early years, pupils learn the FUNdamentals of PE – this focuses on the beginning of our children’s PE journey which includes running, jumping, throwing and catching, through fun and engaging lessons. We want them to enjoy the subject and instil a life-long passion for sport and physical activity which will continue into adulthood.

As children enter Key Stage 1, we are developing those key skills and beginning to understand what it is to work as part of a team, using more advanced skills. Year 1 and 2 children start to enter competitions in gymnastics and multi-skills, learning important life skills, instilling the will to win as well as being gracious in defeat. This is transferred into PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs, where enjoyment and participation are at its core. Activities include gymnastics, team games, dance, ball and racket skills and multi-skills.

In Key Stage 2 children progress onto more sports specific activities, learning the key skills, progressing these through the Key Stage, as well as important skills in listening and working as part of a team. Once embedded, these skills are then enhanced by taking part in both intra and inter-school competitions and leagues across the  City.

Within Templars, we have a diverse community that we want to celebrate, both through PE and the wider curriculum. Our lessons are planned with Templars children at the heart. We link as much as possible to the theme of the term for each Year Group and adapt our lessons accordingly.

We envision that with a secure knowledge of our PE curriculum, pupils will develop skills that are transferrable to other subjects and daily life.  It is a curriculum that is flexible and progressive to reflect our continually changing world and remain relevant for our pupils.  We strive to ensure that the knowledge our pupils gain will contribute to their becoming both proud, confident and responsible citizens and lifelong athletes!

Claire McLean (PE Co-ordinator)