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Home Learning

Home Learning  at Templars 

How Can I Access online remote education?

If any home learning is set by classroom teachers they will send this to you and your child using seesaw.

You an download the app online and you will have been sent a log in - but if you need this re-setting then you can speak with your childs teacher at home time and they will be able to send you the log on details again. 

The App is free for parents and you also have the ability to contact your child's teacher through here too. 

Seesaw can be accessed using any device with a web browser including a Kindle, Xbox and Playstation. Much of the work set can also be found or linked via the pupil pages on the school website. 

What home work does my child have to do?


All children are expected to learn Times Tables and related division facts and we use NumBots (for KS1) and Times Tables Rockstars (KS2) to support this learning. All teachers can see how frequently these are accessed. Your child will get given the log on for these resources by their class teachers. 


We expect all children to spend a minimum of 10 minutes each evening to practice their reading. Adults are asked to sign the Reading Record to show that this has been completed. From Year 1 children are expected to change their own reading books as required. 

Every Friday your class teacher will set spellings on Seesaw which will be tested during the following week. 

Additional Learning

If your child requires additional learning please contact your teacher via Seesaw and they will be able to signpost you towards the correct place.