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School Council

School Council - 2023 to 2024 

We have had a School Council for many years now. We began the process of elections with an assembly to outline the what makes a good school councillor which was delivered to the children in KS1 and KS2 on Monday 11th September 2023 

Each year the children from year 1 to year 6 are asked to complete a nomination form which will outline what skills they have to become a school councillor. Nomination forms were completed and each child read their nominations to their class. 

Elections are held every year, to elect two representatives from each class in Y1 to Y6. Elections were held this year on Thursday 21st September. 

The children in KS1 and KS2 will meet in groups to discuss the Big Questions. These will reflect the questions, issues and concerns raised in class. When elected the children will be given a School Council leaflet. This will let them know the dates of the meeting, time and location. 

Class representatives, supported by their class teachers when necessary, lead Class Council meetings where they share information and ask for suggestions and ideas to make sure all children are given the opportunity to have their views listened to.

 Our overall aims are to:

  • Involve all pupils in decision making in order to give Every child, Every chance, Every day to ensure Templars is a successful school.
  • To give all pupils an insight into how organisations, cities and countries are run by modelling and enabling them to participate in a democratic process.

School Council Assembly 11th September 2023

School Council Representatives 2023-2024

1S – Amelie & Adeeb

1P – Courtney & Reet

1K – Ty’shara & Huck

2H – Omer & Lilly-Mae

2C – Lily & Oscar-Lee

2FW – Annie & Jemma-Rose

3N – Palvit & Lexie

3G – Arlo & Emmanuel

3S – Summer & Evie

4M – Leo & Sienna

4D – Ryan & Mabronke

4ND – Aliza & Arianna

5A – Sam & Lydia

5G – Hossana & Leo

5F – Nevaeh & Laila

6H – Luke & Thomas

6L – Ismail & Mia

6R – Lauren & Juanita

We have had our first school council meeting and been given the first

BIG QUESTION to discuss in our class assemblies. 

Week Beginning 17th October 2023

Now we have changed the cloakrooms and the toilets to make everyone feel safer in school. Where do you feel safe or unsafe in school?  

Week beginning 13th November 2023.

Our second big question is to ask our classes all about the clubs we have at Templars and what the children would like in the future. 

The children spoke about their best club they went to and why? These are some of the responses from the children: 

I liked the sports club, Miss Burden as the teacher was really nice and you do a variety of sports. 

I enjoyed TTRS with Miss Hewett and I like going on TTRS at school. 

I liked PE because it was with Mr Brightside.

Week beginning 22nd November 2023. Our next big question to discuss in our class assemblies. 

At Templars for many years, at the end of the year, we have had a Christmas dinner which has been roast turkey or vegetarian and halal option and all the trimmings with a choice of puddings.

The ladies in the school kitchen would like to ask you a question about this year’s Christmas dinner.

Look out for the results to see what our Christmas dinner will be this year. 

The results are in. The majority of the children across the Key Stages at Templars want the Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and a choice of deserts. We can't wait to see who will serve the dinners this year in the kitchen. 

The school councillors have met again and were given the Big Question - What activities would you like to have on World Book Day 2024? 

The children took their question back to their classes to discuss their ideas. 

6R: Make a poster about WBD, do makeup linked to a book, dress up as a character in a book, bring in your favourite book, class book dress up, word search,

6L: dress up like a class theme, writing a story, dress as a different book, dress up as our topic, play based as a book,

5G: decorate whole class as a back theme chose for the class and children, dress as a book character, non uniform day, create something that can stay on our desks, create a book and dress up as one of the characters, dress up as anything,

5A: dress up as a book character, show and tell with books, give clues to a book and guess, use circle time to guess characters, class teachers to go to different classes to read a story, make a show out of book characters, dress as characters from the class book, teacher dress as favourite book character, hide and seek with colour focus.

4ND: dressing up as a character, watching videos / clips of books being read, scavenger hunt linked to books and characters, author visit,

4D: decorate the class, do reading and gymnastics, have a theme of a book, go into the library, non uniform, DT book, making a toy from the theme of the book, swapping words,

3S: dress up and art it out, dress up as a colour and do something in that colour, dress as a book then we read that book with snacks, dress as something and make a story with your outfit, do art with what we dress up as, dress up as our topic,

3G: wear any costume related to the book, wear normal clothes, scavenger hunt to solve the book title, show and tell costumes, Roald Dahl theme,

3N: dress up as their favourite book character, costume and book competition, read books all day, draw favourite book and acting out the book, draw book characters, make up own stories, make books, illustrate own books, cooking linked to the book,

2H: dress up as the beast from Beauty and the beast, Gruffalo and baby Gruffalo focus, hunt for dragons, make paper chains of different books, make books out of cookies,

2C: crafting a book, dress up from someone in our story, do some cooking from famous books, bring in a book and dress as someone in the book, read books to the class, make books, dinosaur theme then link to science for information, do acting and drama around a book, design a front cover, draw in a book, drew stories on the windows, buildings and floors,

2FW: fun activities linked to a book or title, read a bit more, write own stories, decorate a book as a class, draw pictures of favourite book, use cardboard to make own books, write and draw about favourite characters, make a decorated book, bring in favourite book and read to the class,

1K: we should do the word and decorate the classroom, decorate the room and draw a picture and word on our t-shirt, write a word on our costumes, decorate the classroom with lights and tinsel, superhero costumes, Mrs King can choose someone to bring a book from home and we can read it, Mrs King’s idea – we choose a book as a class and we all dress as the characters from that book.

Keep your eyes out on the exciting events to come for World Book Day 24!!!

School Council assembly 13th September 2021 - Power point

3rd October 2022. The voting has begun! Keep your eyes on this page for the results.

The votes have been counted and checked. Winners will be announced in assembly on Monday 10th October 2022.

Templars School Council 2022-2023

Big Question

Change of date for next meeting to Friday 9th December 2022. 

The next school council meeting will take place during the week of 27th February 2023.

Our Big Question will be: What can we do to support our link school in Ghana?