Learning in Nursery
Welcome to Nursery!
Our staff are:
Nursery Teachers - Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Tyrrell
Nursery Teaching Assistants - Mrs Kennedy, Miss Clark, Mrs Collins and Mrs Brown
Welcome Newsletter
Meet the Nursery Team 2023
Our Autumn Term Topic is Home Sweet Home.See our Curriculum Web.
In our nursery, we understand that this is possibly the first time you will have left your child for any length of time and that this can be a difficult yet very exciting prospect for both of you!
Therefore, we all work hard in the nursery to make sure everyone feels happy, safe and involved in their learning. Working together with your children, and with you as parents, is a really important way of ensuring we are successful in doing this.
We encourage lots of talk to enable everyone to play together, share ideas, learn new skills and develop independence. We are also very fortunate to have our own outside area, which we use all year round whatever the weather! We use all the different areas of nursery, playing and learning together, through your child’s many interests.
Come and join us every Wednesday for 50 Things to do before you are 5.
Stay with your child and explore some fun activities together!
Morning or afternoon children and parents are welcome, 9-10am. The sessions will be running until Christmas.
Help and support for parents in Nursery. Please come and chat to one of the Nursery Team.
- Skills for mealtimes.pdf
- Relaxation techniques
- Tooth brushing
- t-p-1365-brush-your-teeth-reward-chart_ver_4.pdf
- BeingParentinRealWorldbkt.pdf
Home Sweet Home
Autumn- Home, Sweet Home
Me and my Family
My school
Animal Houses
Celebrate-Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas
Key Texts
We LOVE to read! Every day we will be sharing books with the children. These are our key texts.
Nursery Rhymes, I want a wee, Lulu’s first day, Za Za’s baby, Hair Love, In every house on every street and How do you make a rainbow?
We will read these on Seesaw , get ready to have some fun!
Sow and Grow
Spring- Sow and Grow
Growth (Cress, Grass)
Healthy Eating
Life cycles (caterpillars, frogs)
Pond life
Celebrate- Easter, Holi
Key Texts
The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Jack and the Beanstalk, Supertato, Japser’s beanstalk, Kitchen Disco, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eat your peas, Monsters don’t eat broccoli.
We're going on a mini-beast hunt, we're going to catch a little green one. We're not scared!
Growing and Life-cycles
We read the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Look at our amazing castles in the fluffy foam clouds!
We have been to visit our beautiful school pond to catch some tadpoles. We sang to the frogs and looked at an information book.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Week ......what amazing learning!
Dear Parents and Carers Seesaw letter.docx
What to read at home!