English not your first language
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Here at Templars Primary School we are proud to welcome families from a wealth of different cultures and backgrounds and we greatly value the rich diversity of our school community. We have pupils from all around the world and over 37 languages spoken at home.
When a pupil arrives at Templars, with the support of parents we complete a Pupil Assessment Profile this identifies a pupil’s strengths and weakness and supports us in setting targets to support them with their acquisition of language. During their time at our school, our EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils are closely monitored for their progress in the curriculum and their acquisition of English. We add to the Pupil Assessment Profile to track progress.
In class we provide support for our EAL pupils at the level they can access, this includes using visuals, translated materials and intervention support to boost vocabulary and communication as required.
Below you will find a list of recommended websites we use in school that you may wish to use at home to support your child:
www.newburypark.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth - listen to everyday words in a range of languages
https://translate.google.com - use to translate any information you may have received, or to translate something you would like to pass onto school.
http://www.manythings.org/ - vocabulary games and quizzes
http://www.bfinclusion.org.uk/default.htm - resource phrase books
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Dictionary.html - picture dictionary
http://www.primaryresources.uk/letters/ - letters from school translated into a number of languages
https://worldstories.org.uk/ - stories for children in a number of languages
https://global-asp.github.io/storybooks-uk/ story books for children
Other websites to support:
https://www.doctorsoftheworld.org.uk/translated-health-information/ Translated information on health and wellbeing information