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Uniform Information

Templars’ School Uniform

We want our children to have a sense of belonging and feel pride in being a part of the Templars Primary School Community and uniform is such an important part of that. 

Our uniform is simple, practical and the basic uniform is available at most chain stores. There is no expectation that items need to carry the school logo but if you wish to purchase uniform with the school logo on then you can purchase them from Brigade Clothing .

Please make sure that all clothing that is sent in to school is labelled with your child's name.

Uniform Expectations

  • Grey trousers (not leggings), skirts, pinafore dresses and blue checked or striped dresses in Summer
  • White or blue polo shirts or plain white shirts/blouses
  • Plain royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo
  • Plain, flat, black with black soles shoes or trainers (not boots.)
  • Wellington boots for OPAL.

When the weather is bad children can walk to school in any suitable waterproof footwear (including wellies) and then change into their shoes at school.

P.E. Kit

Plain, white T-shirt and black shorts and trainers. In cold weather, pupils may wear a warm, plain, dark track-suit.

Religious Hair coverings

Plain, blue or black or white. 


Jewellery must not be worn to school. Children who can tell the time may wear a wristwatch. Children with pierced ears may wear simple studs, but in order to comply with health and safety guidance, these will need to be removed during PE lessons.


Hair can be short, long or in between, but long hair including braids (beyond the shoulder) must be tied back for both boys and girls. Extreme hairstyles are good fun for the holidays but not in school and so we do not want to see unnatural colour or shaved designs cut into the hair. Small, plain, blue or black bands/bobbles. No over-sized bows or fashion hair accessories such as novelty head bands. No beads. 

Financial Support

We maintain a supply of good condition nearly-new school uniform. Please contact the school office and look out for regular sales - details are sent out on the school newsletter.

We are sometimes able to support families who are experiencing financial hardship with the supply of school uniform and with the purchase of school shoes using the Boot Fund. In this situation parents/carers need to speak to the school office in confidence and we will do all we can to help.

Staff are also expected to dress in a professional and appropriate manner and guidelines for the staff dress code is given to all staff annually.

Sensory Needs - Uniform help

Thank you to a very kind parent who has sourced this info. Some children find labels and seams very uncomfortable. The following stockists are recommended: 

Seamless clothing 

Peacocks: Boys and girls pants, vests and socks 

Matalan: T-Shirts

Soft Labels: 

Pep & Co: School polo shirts are label free.  School trousers are soft labels. 

H&M have non-itchy labels

Marks and Spencers offer an Autistic Hour if you call in advance and will lower music and dim lights (as do many supermarkets if you call in advance). 

Marks and Spencer provide: reinforced knees on trousers, Velcro waist (no buttons), up to Age 16, seam-free clothing and label free clothing.